Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy is intended to provide information about the processing of personal data in connection with our website and our other online offering.

Special, complementary or further privacy policies as well as other documents such as General Terms & Conditions (GTC), Terms of Use or Terms of Participation may exist for individual or additional offerings and services.

Our online offering is subject to the Swiss data protection legislation as well as to any applicable foreign data protection legislation, including, in particular, the one of the European Union (EU) with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The EU acknowledges that the Swiss data protection legislation guarantees an adequate level of data protection.

1. Contact Addresses

Responsibility for the online offering:

Ecoclean GmbH
Hertistrasse 8
5704 Egliswil

Data Protection Representation in the EU or EEA

We have the following data protection representation in the European Union (EU) or European Economic Area (EEA) including the Principality of Liechtenstein under Art. 27 GDPR as additional contact point for supervisory authorities and data subjects for enquiries in connection with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR):

VGS Datenschutzpartner UG
Am Kaiserkai 69
20457 Hamburg

2. Processing of Personal Data 2.1 Terms

Personal Data is all statements relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. A Data Subject is a person whose personal data is processed. Processing comprises any handling of Personal Data, irrespective of the means and procedures applied, in particular the storage, disclosure, procurement, collection, erasure, retention, modification, destruction and utilisation of Personal Data.

2.2 Legal Bases

We process Personal Data in line with the Swiss data protection legislation, including, in particular, the Federal Act on Data Protection (FADP) and the Ordinance to the Federal Act on Data Protection (OFADP).

Where and to the extent that the General Data Processing Regulation (GDPR) is applicable, we process Personal Data at least under one of the following legal bases:

  • Point (b) of Art. 6(1) GDPR for the necessary Processing of Personal Data for the performance of a contract to which the Data Subject is party and to take steps prior to entering into a contract.
  • Point (f) of Art. 6(1) GDPR for the necessary Processing of Personal Data for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by us or by third parties, except where such interests are overridden by the fundamental rights and freedoms as well as by interests of the Data Subject. Legitimate interests include, in particular, our interest to be able to provide our online offering in a permanent, user-friendly, secure and reliable way as well as to advertise it, when necessary, information security as well as protection against misuse and unauthorised use, the enforcement of own legal claims and compliance with the Swiss legislation.
  • Point (c) of Art. 6(1) GDPR for the necessary Processing of Personal Data for compliance with a legal obligation to which we are subject under any applicable legislation of the EU or of member states in the European Economic Area (EEA).
  • Point (e) of Art. 6(1) GDPR for the necessary Processing of Personal Data for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest.
  • Point (a) of Art. 6(1) GDPR for the necessary Processing of Personal Data with the consent of the Data Subject.
  • Point (d) of Art. 6(1) GDPR for the necessary Processing of Personal Data in order to protect the vital interests of the Data Subject or of another natural person.
2.3 Nature, Scope and Purpose

We process any Personal Data that is necessary in order to provide our online offering in a permanent, user-friendly, secure and reliable way. Such Personal Data may fall into the categories of inventory and contact data, content data, usage data and marginal data as well as contact data and payment data.

We process Personal Data for any duration that is required for the respective purpose or the respective purposes or by law. Any Personal Data whose Processing is no longer necessary will be anonymised or erased.

In principle, we process Personal Data only after the consent of the Data Subject has been given, unless Processing is permissible for any other legal grounds, for example for the performance of a contract to which the Data Subject is party and for corresponding measures prior to entering into a contract to safeguard our prevailing legitimate interests, since such Processing is apparent from the circumstances or after prior information.

Within this framework, we process, in particular, statements transferred by a Data Subject to us voluntarily and by himself/herself upon establishment of contact, for example by letter mail, e-mail, contact form, social media or telephone, or upon registration for a user account. We may retain such statements, for example, in an address book, in a customer relationship management system (CRM system) or using comparable aids. Where you transfer Personal Data of third parties to us, you are obliged to guarantee data protection towards such third parties and to ensure the accuracy of such Personal Data.

Moreover, we process Personal Data we receive from third parties, procure from publicly accessible sources or collect upon provision of our online offering where and to the extent that such Processing is permitted on legal grounds.

2.4 Processing of Personal Data by Third Parties, also Abroad

We may have engage third parties, especially processors, to process Personal Data or process or transfer Personal Data to third parties jointly with and with the help of third parties. Such third parties include, in particular, providers, whose services we use. We guarantee reasonable data protection also at such third parties.

Such third parties are located, in principle, in Switzerland as well as in the European Economic Area (EEA) including the European Union (EU). Nonetheless, such third parties may also be located in other countries in the world or elsewhere in the universe, where their data protection legislation according to the Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner (FDPIC) and, where and to the extent that the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is applicable, according to the European Commission, guarantees reasonable data protection, or if reasonable data protection is guaranteed for other reasons, for example by an adequate contractual agreement, especially based on standard contractual clauses, or by an adequate certification. At third parties in the United States of America (USA), the certification under the Privacy Shield can guarantee reasonable data protection. Such a third party may be exceptionally located in a country without reasonable data protection where the relevant preconditions under privacy law, such as the explicit consent of the Data Subject, are met.

3. Rights of Data Subjects

Data Subjects, whose Personal Data we process, have the rights under the Swiss data protection legislation. This includes the right of access as well as the right to rectification, erasure or blocking of the Personal Data processed.

Where and to the extent that the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is applicable, Data Subjects, whose Personal Data we process, may request a confirmation free of charge as to whether we process their Personal Data and, if yes, access to data concerning the Processing of their Personal Data, may have the Processing of their Personal Data restricted, may exercise their right to data portability and may have their Personal Data rectified, erased (“right to be forgotten”), blocked or completed.

Where and to the extent that the GDPR is applicable, Data Subjects, whose Personal Data we process, may revoke a consent given at any time with effect for the future and may object to the Processing of their Personal Data at any time.

Data Subjects, whose Personal Data we process, have the right to lodge a complaint with a competent supervisory authority. The supervisory authority in charge of data protection in Switzerland is the Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner (FDPIC).

4. Data Security

We take reasonable and adequate technical and organisational measures to guarantee data protection and, in particular, data security. Nonetheless, Processing of Personal Data on the Internet may always be subject to security loopholes despite such measures. Therefore, we cannot ensure absolute data security.

Access to our online offering is provided by transport encryption (SSL / TLS with HTTPS).

Just as, in principle

5. Use of the Website 5.1 Cookies

We may use cookies for our website. Cookies, including of third parties, whose services we use (third-party cookies), mean data in text form that is retained in your browser. Cookies cannot execute programmes or transfer malware, such as Trojans and viruses.

Cookies may be temporarily retained as “session cookies” in your browser when you visit our website or as “permanent cookies” for a specific period. “Session cookies” are erased automatically when you close your browser. Permanent cookies make it possible, in particular, to recognise your browser the next time you visit our website, allowing us, for example, to measure the outreach of our website. Nonetheless, permanent cookies may also be used, for example, for online marketing.

You can disable and erase cookies in your browser settings in whole or in part at any time. Without cookies, however, our online offering might no longer be available to its full extent. Where and to the extent required, we ask you to consent to the use of cookies.

For cookies used for success and outreach measurement or for advertising, a general objection (“opt-out”) via the Networking Advertising Initiative (NAI), YourAdChoices (Digital Advertising Alliance) or Your Online Choices (European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance, EDAA) may be possible for numerous services.

5.2 Log Files

We may collect the following statements for any access to our website where these are transferred by your browser to our server infrastructure or can be identified by our web server: date and time including time zone, Internet Protocol (IP) address, access status (HTTP status code), operating system including user interface and version, browser including language and version, individual site accessed and amount of data transferred, last website accessed (referer).

We retain any statements in log files that may also represent Personal Data. The statements are required in order to provide our online offering in a permanent, user-friendly and reliable way and to ensure data security and thus, in particular, the protection of Personal Data, also by or with the help of third parties.

5.3 Tracking Pixels

We may use tracking pixel on our website. Tracking pixels are also called web beacons. Tracking pixels, including of third parties, whose services we use, are small images which are retrieved when you visit our website. Tracking pixels can be used to gather the same statements as in server log files.

6. Notifications and Communications

We may send notifications and communications such as newsletters by e-mail or via other communication channels such as instant messaging.

6.1 Success & Outreach Measurement

Notifications and communications may contain web links or tracking pixels gathering information as to whether an individual notification was opened and what web links were clicked on in this case (success measurement). Such web links and tracking pixels may also gather the use of notifications and communications. We need such statistic gathering of the use including success and outreach measurement in order to provide notifications and communications based on the reading habits of the recipients in an effective and user-friendly as well as permanent, secure and reliable way.

6.2 Consent and Objection

In principle, you must explicitly consent to the use of your e-mail address and your other contact addresses, unless such use is permitted on other legal grounds. We use “double opt-in” for any consent for e-mails, which means that you receive an e-mail with a web link you have to click on for confirmation to prevent any misuse by unauthorised third parties. We may log such consents including Internet Protocol (IP) address as well as date and time for evidence and security reasons.

In principle, you may unsubscribe from notifications and communications such as newsletters at any time. Notifications and communications which are absolutely necessary for our online offering remain reserved. Such unsubscription allows you, in particular, to object the statistical recording of your use, inter alia for the success and outreach measurement.

6.3 Service Providers for Notifications and Communications

We may have notifications and communications sent by or with the help of service providers. We guarantee reasonable data protection also at such service providers.

We use MailerLite in order to send and administer newsletters. Cookies are also used in this context. MailerLite is a service of UAB MailerLite in Lithuania. Further statements about nature, scope and purpose of data processing are available in the MailerLite Privacy Policy.

7. Social Media

We are present on social media platforms and other online platforms in order to communicate with interested persons and to provide information about our online offering. The relevant General Terms & Conditions (GTC), Data Policies and other provisions of the individual operators of such online platforms apply as well.

If and to the extent that the GDPR is applicable, we are responsible for our social media presence on Facebook jointly with Facebook for the page insights, which give insights into visitors interact with our Facebook presence. We use page insights in order to provide our social media presence on Facebook in an effective and user-friendly way. Facebook published a Page Insights Controller Addendum.

8. Third-Party Services

We may use third-party services to provide our online offering in a permanent, user-friendly, secure and reliable way. Such services also serve to allow us to embed contents in our online offering. Such services, for ex. hosting and retention services, online shop services, video services and payment services, need your Internet Protocol (IP) address, since such services can otherwise not transfer the relevant contents. Such services may be located outside Switzerland and the European Economic Area (EEA) including the European Union (EU), where adequate data protection is guaranteed.

Third-party services may also process data in aggregated, anonymised or pseudonymised form, inter alia with cookies, log files and tracking pixels, in connection with our online offering and from other services for their own security-relevant, statistical and technical purposes. Such data is not used to directly contact Data Subjects in connection with our online offering.

8.1 Social Media Functions and Social Media Contents 8.1.1 Facebook

We use social plug-ins of Facebook in order to embed Facebook functions and Facebook contents in our website. Such functions include, for example, “Like” or “Share”. Cookies are also used in this context. Further information is available on the href=""> site via “Social plug-ins” of Facebook.

The social plug-ins are an offering of Facebook Ireland Ltd. in Ireland or of the US company Facebook Inc. Where you are logged in with Facebook as user, Facebook may assign the use of our online offering to your profile. Further statements about nature, scope and purpose of data processing are available in the Facebook Data Policy.

8.1.2 Twitter

We use the possibility to embed functions and contents of Twitter for our website (“Twitter for Websites”). In this way, we can allow you, for example, to use the “Share” function of Twitter on our website or to display tweets to you as part of our website. Cookies are also used in this context.

”Twitter for Websites” is an offering of Twitter International Company in Ireland or of the US company Twitter Inc. Where you are logged in with Twitter as user, Twitter may assign the use of our online offering to your profile. Further statements about nature, scope and purpose of data processing are available in Twitter’s Twitter for Websites - ads info and privacy and in Twitter’s Data Policy. Moreover, Twitter informs about Our use of cookies and similar technologies and about the personalisation of ads published both in connection with any Twitter account and based on the use of Twitter contents on the Internet. Privacy settings, also with opt-out options, are available for personalised ads.

8.2 Map Material

We use Google Maps in order to embed maps in our website. Cookies are also used in this context. Google Maps is a service of the US company Google LLC, with the Irish company Google Ireland Limited being responsible for users in the European Economic Area (EEA) and in Switzerland. Further statements about nature, scope and purpose of data processing are available in Google’s Our Privacy and Security Principles and in Google’s Privacy Policy, in the Google Product Privacy Guide (including Google Maps), in How Google uses information from sites or apps that use our services and in How Google uses cookies. Moreover, it is possible to raise an Objection against personalised advertising.

8.3 Fonts

We use Google Fonts in order to embed selected fonts in our website. We do not use cookies in this context. This is a service of the US company Google LLC which is offered independently of other Google services, with the Irish company Google Ireland Limited being responsible for users in the European Economic Area (EEA) and in Switzerland. Further statements about nature, scope and purpose of data processing are available in Google’s Our Privacy and Security Principles and in Google’s Privacy Policy.

8.4 Payments

We use payment service providers in order to process payments of our customers securely and reliably. We only use payment service providers guaranteeing a reasonable level of data protection. The terms of the relevant pay service providers apply, such as the General Terms & Conditions (GTC) or Privacy Policies.

In particular, we use PayPal to process payments. PayPal is a service of the Luxembourg company PayPal (Europe) S.à r.l. et Cie, S.C.A. Further statements about nature, scope and purpose of data processing are available in the PayPal Privacy Statement.

8.5 Success & Outreach Measurement

We use Google Analytics to analyse how our website is used. In this context, we may also measure, for example, the outreach of our website and the success of third-party links on our website. This is a service of the US company Google LLC, with the Irish company Google Ireland Limited being responsible for users in the European Economic Area (EEA) and in Switzerland.

Google attempts to capture individual visitors of our website even if they use different browsers or devices (Cross-Device Tracking). Cookies are also used in this context. The use of Google Analytics requires your Internet Protocol (IP) address which, however, is not combined with other data of Google.

We cause your Internet Protocol (IP) address to be anonymised before it is analysed by Google. As a result, your full IP address is, in principle, not transferred to Google in the USA.

Further statements about nature, scope and purpose of data processing are available in Google’s Our Privacy and Security Principles and in Google’s Privacy Policy, in the Google Product Privacy Guide (including Google Analytics), in How Google uses information from sites or apps that use our services and in How Google uses cookies. Moreover, it is possible to use the ”Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on” and to raise an Objection against personalised advertising.

8.6 Advertising

We use Google AdSense to embed third-party advertising in our website for a success-related fee. Cookies are also used in this context. Google Ads is an offering of the US company Google LLC, with the Irish company Google Ireland Limited being responsible for users in the European Economic Area (EEA) and in Switzerland.

We use Google AdSense with personalised ads. Further statements about nature, scope and purpose of data processing are available in Google’s Our Privacy and Security Principles and in Google’s Privacy Policy, in How Google uses information from sites or apps that use our services and in How Google uses cookies as well as onGoogle’s ”Advertising” site. Moreover, it is possible to raise an Objection against personalised advertising.

9. Final Provisions

We may amend and complement this Privacy Policy at any time. We will inform about such amendments and complements in adequate form, especially by publishing the respective current Privacy Policy on our website.

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